The Ancient Library, Part 2 (Thuersday, Abadius (I) 16th, 4708 AR)

All the heroes ended up reduced in size to the next smaller size category down from their actual size.

One of the guardians of this complex was a creature called a forgefiend - known also as a scanderig. This subtle and tricky creature could move through the stone surrounding the library like a fish swam through water.

The forgefiend was highly mobile and was on the move through the walls of the entire complex. It preferred to wait to make its first attack against the heroes just after they'd finished battles with other creatures, fighting for mere seconds before slipping back into the walls.

The Cauldron of Giantkind.
Runes were carved in bands along the walls of this chamber, which was unnervingly lit by a reddish glow from the slowly burning flames in a shallow firepit in the center of the room. An immense iron cauldron, its side emblazoned with an etching of a seven-pointed star, stood above these flames. Smoke rose from the cauldron's unseen bubbling contents, and a halo of human bones and scraps of what might be dried flesh lay scattered around the cauldron's three-pronged base.

This 12-foot-high, 10-foot diameter cauldron was made of solid iron, cast in one piece and thick enough to withstand great heat. Its side was marked with the Sihedron Rune, while many other Thassilonian runes graced its rim.

The smoke produced by the cauldron as it boiled was particularly noxious to some beings. It spread around the cauldron, and while the smoke wasn't thick enough to obscure vision, its foul-smelling vapors stung and burned some. When such creatures remained in the smoke, they could be blinded and nauseated for as long as they remained in the area plus some time after leaving the area.

A stone golem guarded this chamber -  a hulking brute with a skull-like face and glowing blue runes carved into its forehead. The golem attacked anyone that entered the room until the heroes destroyed it.


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