Sandpoint Shopping

PCs have a 75% chance to find any item under 1,300 gp base value. Healing items of that value are automatically available for purchase.

In addition, the following items are currently offered for purchase:

·        Small +1 mithral heavy shield (2,020 gp)

·        Ring of sustenance (2,500 gp)

·        Wand of detect thoughts (CL 3rd) (4,500 gp)

·        Wand of owl’s wisdom (CL 3rd) (4,500 gp)

·        Wand of web (CL 3rd) (4,500 gp) x2

·        Wand of wood shape (CL 3rd) (4,500 gp)

·        Wand of hypnotic pattern (CL 4th) (6,000 gp)

·        Wand of scare (CL 4th) (6,000 gp)

·        Wand of summon monster II (CL 4th) (6,000 gp)

·        Lesser ring of revelation, lore keeper (10,000 gp) (Advanced Player’s Guide, p294)

·        Rod of flame extinguishing (15,000 gp)

·        Empower metamagic rod (32,500 gp)

·        Efreeti bottle (145,000 gp)
