Magnimar Shopping

PCs have a 75% chance to find any item under 12,800 gp base value. Healing items of that value are automatically available for purchase.

In addition, the following items are currently offered for purchase:

  • Wand of animate dead (CL 6th) (13,500 gp)
  • Wand of clairaudience/clairvoyance (CL 6th) (13,500 gp)
  • Wand of severed fate (CL 6th) (13,500 gp)
  • Wand of shifting sand (CL 6th) (13,500 gp)
  • Ring of retribution (15,000 gp)
  • Wand of heroism (CL 7th) (15,750 gp)
  • Necklace of ki serenity (16,000 gp)
  • Rod of the viper (19,000 gp)
  • 2x Amulet of magecraft (20,000 gp)
  • Medium +4 elven chain (21,150 gp)
  • Staff of cackling wrath (23,600 gp)
  • Ring of evasion (25,000 gp)
  • Ring of x-ray vision (25,000 gp)
  • Staff of performance (26,800 gp)
  • Large +3 leather armor with invulnerability (36,160 gp)
  • Medium +5 steel snarlshield with arrow deflection (49,200 gp)
  • Large +3 light wooden shield with arrow deflection, spell resistance 17 and acid resistance (67,153 gp)
  • Manual of quickness in action +3 (82,500 gp)


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