Equipment of Varisia

Adventurers in Varisia employ a wide variety of weapons, armor, and gear unique to Varisia. Here are but a few of the most common tools and armaments found in the region.

Shoanti Barbarian Chew: Adventurer's Armory, page 18.

Dogslicer: This short, curved blade is favored by goblins, who often drill numerous holes into it in an attempt to reduce its weight. If a wielder rolls a natural 1 when attacking with a dog slicer, the weapon gains the broken condition. Masterwork and magical dogslicers do not have this flaw. Most dogslicers are sized for Small creatures. Dogslicer stats can be found in the Adventurer's Armory, front inside cover.

Earth Breaker: The crude metal of this massive hammer's head ends in multiple blunt spikes that channel the momentum of a powerful swing. Earth breaker stats can be found in the Adventurer's Armory, front inside cover.

False Jewelry: Favored by rogues in statuesque Magnimar, these adornments hide tiny secret compartments. False jewelry grants a +8 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to hide a tiny object on your person (does not stack with the bonus for hiding very small objects) and negates the +4 bonuses searchers gain when frisking you.

False jewelry costs 20 gp in addition to the value of the ornament being fitted with the secret compartment.

Harpy Musk: The reek of this doubtful cure-all proves useful at scaring off Varisian goblins. If smeared on a surface or used as a thrown weapon, the musk fills a 30-foot area with the stink of harpies for 1 minute. Any Varisian goblin who enters the area must make a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1 minute. Harpy musk costs 2 gp.

Klar: Adventurer's Armory, page 18.

Hide Shirt: Made from the hide, bones, and thick scales of the giant lizards, a suit of this light armor provides greater protection than its heft suggests. Many Shoanti warriors favor this armor, especially shirts made from rare black-scaled spirestalkers.
Ogre Hook: A huge, crude crook of sharpened metal, an ogre hook takes its name from the savages who most typically employ it. Usually created by ogres, these are often Large, and awkward for most humanoids to use. Ogre hook stats can be found in the Adventurer's Armory, front inside cover.

Scarf, Bladed: Knowing that seductive performances can bring out the worst in watchers, some Varisians craft rows of razor-sharp blades into their scarves. The skill required in using such scarves effectively and not revealing their deadly nature makes them exotic weapons. If you are proficient with a bladed scarf, you deal 1d4 points of slashing damage to any creature that makes a successful grapple check against you while you wield the scarf. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with a bladed scarf sized for you, even though it isn't a light weapon. Bladed scarf stats can be found in the Adventurer's Armory, back inside cover.

Scarves, including Pocketed and Reinforced Scarves: Adventurer's Armory, page 13.

Varisian Idol: Scavenged from rare uneroded Varisian monuments, these depictions of forgotten spirits can be used to augment summoning magic. If used as an additional material component for any summon monster or summon nature's ally spell, the summoned creature has an additional +2 hit points per Hit Die. A Varisian idol costs 50 gp.

War Razor: To all appearances, a war razor is an oversized razor or flip knife. As the razor folds into the handle, no sheath is required, making the weapon easy to hide and thus granting you a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon on your body. War Razor stats can be found in the Adventurer's Armory, front inside cover.
