Stones Over Sandpoint, Part 3 (Tuesday, Kuthona (XII) 24th, 4707 AR)

The best way to prevent the red dragon from lighting devastating fires was to drive him off. His flight gave him superior mobility, but after Terakrinus used his war horn to summon aid, he swooped down to breathe fire on the heroes. When forced into melee, the red dragon used true strike.

Teraktinus and the pair of stone giants led by him fought to the death when challenged.

Looting Scarnetti Manor

Since the heroes were outside and had a view of Schooner Gulch Bluff, they noticed smoke rising from what could only be Scarnetti Manor.

Three stone giants had swung wide so as to approach Sandpoint from the south - the approach resulted in their late arrival, but allowed them relative freedom in looting the manor houses and capturing nobles. Two of the giants pulled a large wagon between them that they intended to fill with prisoners and loot, and while they actually arrived at Scarnetti Manor earlier, the heroes were alerted to the attack only when smoke rising from a tipped-over wood-burning stove started a fire.

These giants had loaded a lot of treasure into their wagon. All of this belonged to the Scarnetti family. They'll gratefully reward the heroes if they can prevent these giants from kidnapping half the family, paying a reward of 1,000 gp.


By the time the raid was over, the giants attacking the Northgate were forced to retreat before taking any prisoners or doing much more damage than half destroying the wall itself. When the heroes ignored this group entirely, it did not have much impact on the rest of town.

Saving the northern wings of the cathedral from burning down required Bruthien's intervention in the form of magic. Since the heroes drove away the red dragon, Sandpoint avoided a serious fire. Instead, the town suffered only a few burned-out houses, all quickly extinguished by quick-acting citizens and bucket brigades from the river and harbor.

The giants attacking Two Knight Brewery routed before they could destroy the building.

The raid failed since the morale of the giants was shaken enough that they routed. The remaining giants dropped everything and fled back into the tors, abandoning the raid entirely, as soon as Teraktinus and half of them were slain.

The surviving giants were making their way back to Jorgenfist with their prisoners and treasure. The heroes were tracking them down to defeat them before they could return, of course. There was a sense of urgency in the air (especially since citizens of Sandpoint had been taken prisoner by giants!).


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