Skinsaw Mask

Aura faint necromancy [evil]; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This hideous mask resembles a patchwork, deformed face, with one bulbous eye, a grimacing mouth with long teeth, and a flat nose. When worn, the mask fills the wearer's mind with hideous whispers and images of murder and violence. It heightens the wearer's ability to sense fear. He can smell the cold sweat brought on by terror and hear the thundering beating of a frightened heart. Further, fresh blood glows brightly to him, to the extent that he can see the shimmering traceries of living circulatory systems pumping away in the bodies of those around him. These enhancements grant +2 competence bonuses on Perception checks against creatures that aren't immune to fear. Further, the ability to plainly see the map of targets' arteries and veins grants the wearer a +1 profane bonus on damage with slashing weapons made against living creatures. Wearing a skinsaw mask leaves hideous mental scars; when the mask is donned, the wearer takes 1 point of Charisma damage as his thoughts become tangled with images of murder.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, deathwatch; Cost 750 gp


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