Giants, Stone

Stone giants are giant humanoids.

Humanoids usually have two arms, two legs, and one head, or a human-like torso, arms, and a head. Humanoids have few or no supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well-developed societies. They are usually Small or Medium (with the exception of giants).

Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.

A giant is a humanoid creature of great strength, usually of at least Large size. Giants have low-light vision.

Stone giants prefer thick leather garments, dyed in shades of brown and grey to match the stone around them. Adults are about 12 feet tall, weigh about 1,500 pounds, and can live to be 800 years old.

Stone giants are accomplished rock throwers. A stone giant can hurl rocks up to Small size.

Stone giants fight from a distance whenever possible, but if they can’t avoid melee, they favor gigantic clubs chiseled out of stone. A favorite tactic of stone giants is to stand nearly motionless, blending in with the background, then move forward to throw rocks and surprise their foes.

Stone giants are good at catching thrown rocks.

Stone giants prefer living in enormous caves in high-altitude, rocky peaks. They rarely live more than a few days’ travel from other bands of stone giants, and even raise shared herds of goat and other livestock between tribes. Older stone giants tend to wander away from the tribe for a significant period of time in their later years, either living in seclusion somewhere or attempting to merge into other humanoid civilizations. After decades of this self-imposed exile, those who return do so as stone giant elders.

Stone giants have darkvision.

Stone Giant Elders

Some stone giants develop special abilities related to their environment. Called elders, these stone giants have spell-like abilities.


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