Bramble-Sick Brandy

In most forests, a bramble called tomb herald - because it grows near burial grounds - is prized by bugbears. When eaten (a painful experience), the thorny bush slightly enhances the monster's ability to smell fear. When fermented into a spirit, the bramble's power increases in potency. When a bugbear is drunk on bramble-sick during a hunt and catches the scent of a victim's fear, it temporarily gains a +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls and skill checks (for as long as it smells pungent fear from a foe within 30 feet). The drink makes the imbiber very ill once its effects wear off (1d4 hours after consumption), causing it to be nauseated for 24 hours. Many bugbears are willing to tolerate this in exchange for the power of the brandy. More than a few adventurers have happened across a bugbear after a night of indulgent bramble-sick-enhanced hunting and found their quarry particularly easy to defeat.


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