Thistletop, Part 1 (Tuesday-Wednesday, Lamashan 9-10, 4707 AR)

Tsela tried to gather information in town about Thistletop. Sandpoint's citizens were not very knowledgeable about the goblin lair, and he found it more difficult to gather information that in the past. It seems Ven Vinder's displeasure with the heroes has spread to other citizens, since he is a well-liked man in town.

The heroes purchased a map that showed the location of Thistletop from the Way North. As with several other buildings in the vicinity, this one-story structure was recently rebuilt after the Sandpoint Fire. Originally a stable, the building has been converted by its owner, an aged but spry gnome named Veznutt Parooh, into a cramped and cluttered library to house his tremendous collection of maps and sea charts. Maps of local regions, from the immediate vicinity up to the whole of Varisia and the Storval Plateau, can be purchased from him for prices ranging from 5 gp to 100 gp, depending on the size and level of detail. When not here crafting copies of old maps, Veznutt can usually be found arguing over history with Ilsoari at Turandarok Academy.

Urtrigor successfullly found the black market for poisons in Sandpoint in the Pillbug's Pantry. The proprietor Aliver "Pillbug" Podiker is a secret poisoner. Although he's of mixed Chelish and Varisian blood, the Sczarni have taken to treating him as a full-blooded Varisian. He maintains a healthy side business selling poisons to Sczarni locals. Before he'll even admit to being a poison merchant, though, a potential customer first has to ask him, "Have any happy pillbugs turned up lately?"

The next day the heroes followed the Lost Coast Road east, where they were attacked by a group of six goblin warriors, whom they defeated and began interrogating.


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