Glass and Wrath, Part 4 (Sunday, Rova 30th-Sunday, Lamashan 7th, 4707)

The heroes retreated from their fight with the quasit, in order to equip themselves appropriately. They visited the Sandpoint Market and Savah's Armory for supplies. The northeast corner of this building bears a few scars from the Sandpoint Fire, but fortunately for its owner, Savah Bevaniky, the building escaped significant damage. Savah greeted the heroes with an instantaneous offer of 20% off anything in stock. Savah's shop sells all manner of weapons and armor, including several masterwork items and exotic weapons like a spiked chain, a dozen masterwork shuriken, and a +1 repeating crossbow with a darkwood and ivory stock that bears the name "Vansaya". She's not sure what the name means - she bought the weapon from an adventurer on the way to Riddleport a year ago, and its high price and complexity have ensured its semi-permanent stay in her shop.

After the heroes rescued her, Ameiko rewarded them with free room and board at the Rusty Dragon for the rest of their lives, and with her father's death she became the sole heritor of the Kaijitsu family - whether she likes it or not (she doesn't, really), Ameiko has become Sandpoint's newest noble. During this break, the Sheriff returned from Magnimar with reinforcements, and after some prodding, convinced Mayor Deverin to reward the heroes for their past and future efforts: the heroes got 6 pouches of gold dust worth 50 gp each, 8 pouches of silver dust worth 5 gp each, and 10 pp.

Tsela journeyed in order to glean information on the weird magic well they found in the cathedral they fought the quasit. Runelord Karzoug of ancient Thassilon had constructed a similar well, called a runewell of greed. Runelord Alaznist, inspired by and jealous of Karzoug's success, experimented with variant runewells of her own design. Many of these minor runewells of wrath existed in her domain - with the one the heroes found in the Catacombs of Wrath under Sandpoint the only one found in mainland Avistan.

The heroes also finished reading Tsuto's journal. When Tsuto Kaijitsu joined Nualia's group of malcontents in Magnimar a year ago, he was already in love with her. He'd seen her on the streets of Sandpoint many times, but had never had the courage to approach the mysterious beauty. So when she approached him with a job offer, he felt as if fate had finally dealt him a good hand.When he learned that her plans involved burning his hometown as an offering to her goddess, Lamashtu, Tsuto was even more thrilled - not at the opportunity to serve the goddess of monsters (Tsuto doesn't have much interest in religion) but at the chance to get revenge on the town he blamed for his bitter and joyless childhood.

Tsuto's primary responsibility to Nualia was to serve as the link between Sandpoint and Thistletop, since not only did he know the town the best, but he also had links to one of its most important citizens - his father. Tsuto found out that Lonjiku periodically "rented" the furnace in his glassworking room to Sczarni thugs for the disposal of evidence, as the fires are hot enought to burn bones and teeth. After blackmailing Lonjiku into aiding in the preparation of Sandpoint for the goblin raid, Tsuto had his father right where he wanted him. A few days after the raid, he sent his father a note demanding a payment of 2,000 gp or Tsuto would reveal Lonjiku's role in the raid. Lonjiku agreed to the payment, and when he arrived at the Glassworks late one night several nights after the raid, he attempted to murder Tsuto. Unfortunately for Lonjiku, Tsuto had come up with the same plan. Before Lonjiku arrived, the goblins killed all of the workers who lived on site. Tsuto and a half-dozen goblins ambushed Lonjiku as he entered the Glassworks, murdered him, and put his body on display in the glassworking room.

Lonjiku dealt with, Tsuto sent a note to his sister, Ameiko, the one person in Sandpoint he didn't hate. He asked her to meet him at the Glassworks the night after he murdered Lonjiku, hoping to convince Ameiko to join Nualia's band. Unfortunately, he miscalculated his sister's loyalty to Sandpoint, and when she refused to join with him, he had his goblins beat her unconscious, bound her, and locked her in the storage below the Glassworks. He was not quite sure what to do with her and planned on heading back north to Thistletop with her to ask Nualia for advice, intending to leave the Glassworks an abattoir to further throw fear into the hearts of Sandpoint's citizens.

After the heroes equipped themselves, they returned to fight the quasit. The quasit was invisible when the heroes approached.


  1. From now on I do all the talking... just saying.

    1. I loved the rant about the sheriff, and the immediate roundabout after you got the money! :-P


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