Glass and Wrath, Part 2 (Sunday, Rova 30th, 4707 AR)

Against the Goblins

Once five goblins were dead, one of the surviving goblins recognized the groups as the heroes of Sandpoint, dropped his weapon, and shrieked out (in Goblin), "Wait! It's those longshanks what stopped the raid! Run for your lives!" The remaining goblins panicked and fled for the basement. Two of the goblins managed to escape the wrath of the heroes.

Investigating the Glassworks

The skylights above that looked into the display room and the glassworking room were unobscured.

Display Room: This room contained a shop. Bottles, window panes, and glasswork art were the primary contents.

Storeroom: Finished products were stored here.

Cleaning Closet: Cleaning supplies and tools such as brooms were stored here.

Storeroom: Tools, clothing for servants, firewood, and other miscellaneous supplies were kept here.

Dining Room: The room was a wreck.

Washroom: This room contained several washtubs for bathing and laundry; the small room adjacent was a toilet.

Kitchen: The room was in disarray.

Pantry: This room was a mess; barrels and sacks of grain and crates of dried fish and venison had been completely demolished, and most of the food was missing. A broken dogslicer lay near the northern corner.

Storeroom: This rooms contained several mounds of firewood for the kitchen stove.

Meeting Room.


Office: A smaller office.

Files: Several cabinets and shelves containing files and contracts with dozens of exporters and businesses from Magnimar, Korvosa, and other local towns filled this room.

Loading Room: A wheelbarrow sat against a wall here, and shelves on the wall contained additional reagents (manganese, cobalt, and tin). A safe on the floor hung open. Through a doorway, stairs led down to the underground storage.

Underground Storage: This room was used to store sand and other raw materials. Two wheelbarrows sat against the wall. Just east of the stairs up to the loading room, a brick wall had been dismantled to reveal an older passageway leading south.

Storage: This room was used to store glassware, windows, and other finished goods.

Storage: The door to this room was locked. Although the room was used for storage, Tsuto had recently turned it into an impromptu holding cell. His sister, Ameiko, lay on her side on the floor here, bound at the wrists and ankles with rope and blindfolded and gagged with strips of leather.

Secret Office. This is where the heroes found Tsuto's journal.

Smuggler's Entrance: The long tunnel leading from this room wound for some distance through the bedrock below Sandpoint. The tunnel remained stable and serviceable as it wound lazily northeast before reaching a dead end. The heroes revealed a secret door that opened into a cave on the side of the cliff overlooking the Varisian Gulf. The cave mouth sloped down to a narrow beach; the heroes noted the crude collection of goblin beds or remnants of their meals strewn about the cave.

From the tunnel's southern half, two side tunnels branched off. The one to the west seemed to have once been bricked over at the point where it diverged from the main tunnel. This westerly passageway wound before turning north and leading to the catacombs.

Tsuto's Journal

The Glassworks were little more than a front for the machinations of a bitter, vengeful son. Tsuto sent a letter to his sister, Ameiko. He asked her to meet him at the Glassworks at night. Unfortunately, when she refused to join him, he had his goblins beat her unconscious, bound her, and locked her in a storage below the Glassworks.

Tsuto's journal proved a good source of information. This small, leather-bound booklet contained two dozen parchment pages, most of which Tsuto had filled with maps of Sandpoint or erotic drawings of Nualia (who the heroes recognized as the presumed-dead adopted daughter of Father Tobyn). The maps each depicted different attack plans. The first set showed the attack plans for a group of 30 goblins - one of those battle maps was circled, and the heroes recognized it as the attack the goblins made on Sandpoint a week ago. Of more pressing concern were the next several pages, which illustrated an assault on Sandpoint by a force of what appeared to be 200 goblins. None of these were circled, and while many were scratched out as if they'd been rejected, the implications were ominous nonetheless.

Most of the drawings of Nualia did not depict her with her demonic hand, although one on the last page of the book did; it portrayed her with not only a single demonic hand, but also bat wings, horns, a forked tail, and fangs.

Three short passages on Tsuto's journal contained information that was of particular interest to the heroes:

"The raid went about as planned. Few Thistletop goblins perished, and we were able to secure Tobyn's casket with ease while the rubes were distracted by the rest. I can't wait until the real raid. This town deserves a burning, that's for sure."

"Ripnugget seems to favor the overwhelming land approach, but I don't think it's the best plan. We should get the quasit's aid. Send her freaks up from below via the smuggling tunnel in my father's Glassworks, and then invade form the river and from the Glassworks in smaller but more focused strikes. The rest except Bruthazmus agree, and I'm pretty sure the bugbear's just been contrary to annoy me. My love's too distracted with the lower chambers to make a decision. Says that once Malfeshnekor's released and under her command, we won't need to worry about being subtle. Hope she's right."

"My love seems bent on going through with it - nothing I can say convinces her of her beauty. She remains obsessed with removing what she calls her 'celestial taint' and replacing it with her Mother's grace. Burning her father's remains at the Thistletop shrine seems to have started the transformation, but I can't say her new hand is pleasing to me. Hopefully when she offers Sandpoint to Lamashtu's fires, her new body won't be as hideous. Maybe I'll luck out. Succubi are demons too, aren't they?"

Rescuing Ameiko

Ameiko was conscious but badly wounded, and in no shape to aid the heroes until they healed her. Even when healed, she remained distraught at her brother's treachery. Tsuto revealed to Ameiko that he and several other mercenaries were led by Nualia and hinted that she'd got big plans for Sandpoint's future. Tsuto warned Ameiko that she didn't want to be in town when those plans came through, and offered her a chance to join his group at Thistletop. Ameiko recoiled at the suggestion and slapped her brother in shock that he'd sunk to such a low. He responded by unleashing his goblins on her. They overwhelmed her and left her here. She's grateful for the heroes' rescue, but was eager to leave and warn her father. The heroes broke the bad news to her, and she took them stoically.

Catacombs of Wrath

Guard Cave: A wrathspawn dwelled in this cave, which the heroes killed.

Old Storeroom: The original purpose of this chamber was unclear, but large mounds of rubble lay strewn on its floor. The wall to the west had been torn down to reveal a tunnel leading to the west.

An investigation of the rubble revealed that most of it seemed to have consisted of broken urns and other pottery containers that once held food stores, long since crumbled to dust.

Welcoming Chamber: A red marble statue of a strikingly beautiful but, at the same time, monstrously enraged human woman stood in the middle of this room, her stony expression twisted in fury. The woman wore flowing robes, and her long hair was held back from her face by an intricate headdress of hooks and blades. In her left hand she carried a large book, the face of which was inscribed with a seven-pointed star. Her right hand held a glittering metal-and-ivory-ranseur.

The statue depicted Runelord Alaznist. The masterwork ranseur clutched by the statue was removed with a little tugging. The ranseur was a work of art as much as a weapon. It's worth 400 gp.

Shrine to Lamashtu: The tunnel widened here into what appeared to have once been a small shrine, for to the northeast, steps led up to a platform of gray stone. Sitting atop the platform was an ancient altar, little more than a jagged block of black marble with a shallow concavity on it. This basin was filled with what appeared to be filthy water.

Cathedral of Wrath: This huge room looked like nothing more than an immense underground cathedral. Stone doors stood to either side of the main entrance, but beyond this, the walls were carved with strange, spiky runes. In the center of the room was a large pool, with a ring of polished human skulls balanced on stone spikes arranged in a circle around the deeper midsection. At the far end of the room, a pair of stone stairways led up to a pulpit on which sat a second pool. this one triangular and filled with churning, bubbling water that looked almost like translucent lava. Yet while wisps of what looked like heat and steam rose from the strange orange liquid, the room itself was deathly cold.

The two small rooms to the northeast and southwest of the cathedral entrance were empty, and their doors hang ajar. The ceiling of this room was 20 feet high.

When the heroes entered the room, a quasit flew into a rage. She shrieked, accused the heroes of "daring to intrude upon the Mother's sanctum", and slashed her own wrist with her dagger, allowing some of her blood to drip into the second pool and form a sinspawn. As she did, the second pool's glow diminished noticeably.

The quasit disappeared as soon as her enemies approached.


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