The Shimmering Veils, Part 1 (Wednesday, Calistril (II) 5th, 4708 AR)

The heroes located a secret door behind a section of mirrors in the far wall.

Meditation Room. Bookcases full of tomes and scrolls lined this cozy chamber's walls and a reading table with several matching chairs sat atop a thick rug in its center. A peacock made of gold sat upon the table, holding a single stick of incense cleverly positioned in its tail feathers. A heavy wooden door exited the room through the wall to the northwest. A figure lay slumped in the chair in the far corner - the body of a man wearing rich robes and a cloak made of peacock feathers. An elegant mirror was clutched in his hand, and a book and quill sat on the table before him.

This room was filled with religious essays on the subject of the Peacock Spirit, one of the more popular faiths during Thassilon's height. Unfortunately, the books were maddeningly vague and coy in revealing actual details about the Peacock Spirit, made all the worse by the large volume of material at hand. Very little could be of use in bringing to light more facts about this maddeningly obscure ancient cult.

The body in the chair looked as if it had only died a moment ago. The book in his lap was an extensive journal written in Thassilonian. Reading the journal would take a day of study.

The golden peacock was worth 800 gp. The books weighed just over 200 pounds, but as a collection was worth 1,500 gp to a scholar of Thassilonian lore. Spellbooks of a wizard named Vraxeris sat on the shelf to the north, and contained a wealth of spells between their covers, including most wizard illusion spells - there were no conjuration and transmutation spells in these books.

The gear remaining on Vraxeris' body was worth a small fortune. He wore an evil robe of the archmagi, a headband of vast intelligence +6, a ring of wizardry II, and a cape of the mountebank.

Vraxeris' Library. Once a fine library, the books held in this large chamber - along with the bookshelves that once held them - had been destroyed by fire and force. The devastation seemed complete - although it was possible something may have survived somewhere under all of the ruin. To the north, a sizeable alcove extended from the room into what may have once been a large reading area, but this too had been ruined.

Clone Remains. These rooms were empty - save for a grisly heap of identical-looking dead bodies stacked in a well-organized heap.

All were elderly version of the body found in the meditation room, preserved. Between these two rooms, just over 200 dead clones were present.

Vraxeris' Bedroom. This long room contained only three plain items of furniture - a large bed strewn with silk ropes, a writing desk, and a freestanding armoire.

Vraxeris had created six simulacra of a succubus to keep in the bedroom. The six succubi in this room were relatively vacant in personality - yet Vraxeris left one final command for them - they shrieked and howled when the heroes entered the room, attacking on sight. The heroes killed them.


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