The Scribbler's Rhyme, Part III (Friday, Abadius (I) 24th, 4708 AR)

The heroes continued their exploration of Lamashtu's shrine.

The Scribbler's Kennel.
Three once separate chambers had become one, joined by collapsed walls and the erosion of ages. Bloodstained fragments of chain shirts, shields, swords, and clothing lay about this room haphazardly. The walls were decorated with countless scribblings written sloppily in blood.

Another stanza of the Scribbler's Rhyme was inscribed on the northern wall of the southernmost chamber. The fragments of armor and weapons were all that remained of the Sandpoint guards.

A pack of six powerful yeth hounds known as hounds of Lamashtu dwelt in these caves. Unlike the more common yeth hound, a hound of Lamashtu was black and had a poisonous stinger at the end of its ratlike tail. The baying and howling of this pack could be heard throughout the complex, and when they heard or saw intruders they attacked.

The hounds of Lamashtu surrounded and attacked Tsela. They then eagerly attacked Shalelu. The hounds were relentless and fought to the death.

Outer Sanctum. The walls, ceiling, and floor of this otherwise empty room were densely packed with writing, in many cases overlapping and tangled to near the point of illegibility. Four short lines stood out on the northern wall, carved into the stone but otherwise alone on its face.

The lines of text decorating the wall were another stanza of the Scribbler's rhyme. Little remained to denote the use of this room - it served no other purpose but as a trap.

Lost Door: The door on the north wall of the outer sanctum was covered by magic that made it appear to be plain wall. When Fen interacted with this image he saw through the illusion.

When Bruthien, Fen and Thurden passed through the northern door into the foggy corridor beyond they heard a whispering voice in their minds suggesting that Lamashtu's influence had tainted their friends, and that they were preparing to capture the victims to sacrifice them to Lamashtu. The magic encouraged them to do everything in their power to defend themselves, by first finding a safe place where they could escape their supposed allies, and fighting back against them when they tried to restrain them.

Shalelu and Tsela restrained Thurden, but were still looking for Bruthien and Fen.

The stanza's of the Scribbler's rhyme the heroes have found are:

"If magic bright is your desire, to old Runeforge must you retire!
For only there does wizards' art receive its due and proper start.

Each stone the grace of seven lords, one part of key each ruler hoards;
if offered spells and proper prayer, take seven keys and climb the stair.

On frozen mountain Xin awaits, his regal voice the yawning gates
Keys turn twice in Sihedron - occulted Runeforge waits within.

And now you've come and joined the forge upon rare lore your mind can gorge -
And when you slough the mortal way in Runeforge long your work shall stay."


  1. On eastern shores of steaming mirror, at the end of day when dusk is nearer, Where seven faces silent wait encircled guards at Runeforge gate.


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