The Ancient Library, Part 7 (Saturday, Abadius (I) 18th, 4708 AR)

The library of Thassilon contained the collected knowledge of the Therassic wizard-monks. The wizard-monks focused their preservation efforts on this chamber. Furthermore, extradimensional travel did not function in this chamber.

The heroes then decided to return to the library for research later, and use dimension door to bypass some of the walls they suspected blocked entrance to further rooms.

Stone Giant's Lair. This vast chamber might have once been a lecture hall, but the place was empty of furniture. Six five-foot-wide pillars, each carved with spiraling patterns of runes, rose up to support the hundred-foot-high ceiling. Spread through the hall in neatly organized stacks and piles were arcane trappings, candles, books, scrolls, knives, and bundles of powders and ingredients - the entire place looked like an arcanist's laboratory or storeroom. At the west end of the room, a wide flight of stairs rose up to a stone door in the wall, just north of a twenty-foot-wide stage. There sat a large mound of furs, an immense chair, and a table stacked high with more books and scrolls. An ironbound chest sat under the table against the far wall. An undead ogre's head was kept in a gold birdcage on a desk.

The heroes appeared inside a bank of fog, and a stone giant, Kaven and Lucrecia waited to ambush them. At just over 10 feet tall, the stone giant in this chamber towered over humans. The stone giant's first action when the heroes entered his room was to cast solid fog, catching all of them in the spell's area of effect. He then cast cloudkill on that area, followed by stinking cloud. When Fen got too close to him, he tried to use telekinesis on him. When melee seemed inevitable, he cast mass reduce person first to shrink down the heroes, coupling that with a quickened shield spell. Then, when melee actually started, he cast enlarge person on himself. Lucrecia tried to push the heroes back in the fogs, while Kaven tried to pick off the wounded. Both were killed by the heroes. The stone giant fought until severely injured, at which point he used dimension door to retreat.

A relatively impressive collection of loot remained in this room. Apart from an impressive collection of books on spellcraft and all of the spell components and laboratory equipment scattered throughout the room (which weighed several hundred pounds), the chest under the desk contained 12,000 gp, 1,100 pp, an amber and sapphire necklace, a set of ivory runestones, and a scroll.

In addition, scattered among the stacks of invasion plans, battle tactics, and research notes was a single piece of paper depicting the map of the Lost Coast region of Varisia. Four points along the coast had "X" marks on them - three were placed some distance out to sea along the coast, but one was right over Sandpoint. A note on the map, written in Giant, read "Hellfire Flume ruins - foundation stones from each would know where the traitor Xaliasa dwelt, and perhaps where he hid his key to Runeforge". 


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