In the Hook's Shadow, Part 1 (Tuesday-Wednesday, Neth (XI) 19th-20th, 4707 AR)

Turtleback Ferry, a remote village not far from Hook Mountain, has long born the brunt of the Kreeg ogre clan violence. Although closer to the city-state of Korvosa, it was Magnimar that answered the town's request for aid. Eager to extend their holdings and influence to the east, the lord-mayor of Magnimar established Fort Rannick to provide Turtleback Ferry with protection from the ogres, securing promises of regular taxes and trade. He stationed a band of rangers there - the Order of the Black Arrows - and charged them with keeping the region safe and free from ogres. Short but bloody skirmishes between the Kreegs and the Black Arrows have gone on for decades since then, but after their first decisive defeat at the entrance to the Valley of Broken Trees 45 years ago, the Kreegs have never quite built up enough bravery to mount a second attack on Fort Rannick...until now.

A couple of months have passed since the events of the fateful Swallowtail Festival - winter was here, and with it came the seasonal rains. But as the days wore on, it soon became obvious that this was no typical rainy season. Not a day passed without a downpour in Central Varisia, and the rivers swelled against their banks, threatening early floods. Tempers flared and relationships frayed as the constant dreary weather wore at the soul. Yet there were more sinister things in Hook Mountain's shadow than the constant rain.

The heroes earned the favor of Magnimar's lord-mayor after revealing the Skinsaw Cult's plans for him. New heroes like these made perfect candidates for a problem that had just been brought to his attention - according to a recent message from Turtleback Ferry, the village has had no contact for weeks with Magnimar's most distant holding, remote Fort Rannick near Hook Mountain. The Black Arrows, the soldiers stationed at Fort Rannick, have traditionally been isolated, but such a long silence was uncharacteristic even for them. Magnimar's government had been pressing Grobaras to send a patrol to Hook Mountain to investigate, but until the heroes came to his attention, Grobaras had no one he could spare. Grobaras, via one of his aides, offered the heroes a total of 6,750 gp each to cover their expenses for their trip and to pay for their services in defeating the murderers.

The lord-mayor mayor's aide suggested that Turtleback Ferry be the heroes' first stop - this is the closest settlement to Fort Rannick, and there was a good chance someone in town will know why the fort has gone silent. By land, the journey to to Turtleback Ferry from Magnimar was a voyage of over 400 miles miles through lightly patrolled rural terrain along the north bank of the Yondabakari River. On horseback at a speed of 50 feet it is an almost 2-week-long trip. On their first night out of town, the heroes were attacked by a flock of stirges, which they are currently fighting.

A Friendly Guide

As the heroes prepared for their journey, the elven ranger Shalelu Andosana urged them to hurry. The heroes first encountered Shalelu after the goblin attack on Sandpoint, when she brought more news about the goblin threat. She joined with the group to face the goblins. The additional archery and survival support was attractive to the group and she has stayed with them since. When Shalelu learned that their next lead was east to Fort Rannick, she was eager to start the journey.

Of course, Shalelu had got her own reasons for wanting to make the journey to Fort Rannick. One of the rangers stationed there, a man named Jakardros, was at one time an acquaintance, and she is worried about his safety.


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