Thistletop, part 8 (Friday, Lamashan (X) 12, 4707 AR)

The heroes eventually defeated the monsters, which Bruthien and Tsela identified as yeth hounds. But this encounter caused them to lose sight of their goblin prisoner. Nevertheless, they continued their exploration of the dungeon.

Tsuto's Chambers. This room was clean and well organized. A low dresser to the southwest had a stack of papers sitting atop it, weighted down by a large chunk of obsidian, while to the northwest sat a well-made bed.

The notes on the nightstand were mostly rough drafts of Tsuto's plans to blackmail his father and use the Sandpoint Glassworks as a staging ground for the coming investigation for the Catacombs of Wrath - there wasn't anything here that was news to the heroes by this point.

Chambers 1. While this bedroom was clean and brightly lit by an everburning torch lying on the nightstand, its spartan decor made it unclear whether it was actually lived in.

Chambers 2. This bedroom had a faint musty odor. The bed was covered with matted gray and black hair, and bloodstains marred the stone floor, while a morbid stack of birds' feet lay heaped on the floor by the side of the bed.

Chambers 3. This large chamber seemed to serve a dual purpose. To the north was a fine bed with silk sheets, while to the south, a desk and chair under a hanging lantern made a comfortable-looking study.

Tentamort Lair. Dozens of dead bodies lay scattered about this room. Most were sea birds and ospreys, but there were six dead goblins here as well. Each body was literally skin and bones, as if all of the interior organs and muscles had somehow been drained away, leaving behind skeletons draped with leathery, slowly rotting skin.

The bodies of the goblins who fell victim to the tentamort were never recovered, and their armor and weapons lay in rotting, rusty heaps. One of the bodies still wore a suit of masterwork hide armor (made from dogs) and bore a ruined (but once masterwork) horsechopper and a masterwork short bow.

Lair. A dusty nest of rags, dog hides, and straw sat in the northeast corner of this room. To the south, a long workbench cluttered with pliers, hooks, tongs, saws, and knives ran along the wall. Keys could be found scattered among the torture implements on the southern workbench.

Research Room. A large wooden worktable sat in the middle of this room, its surface cluttered with scrolls, books, stone tablets covered with dense, spiky runes, and fragments of carvings that appear to have been chipped off of statues and bas-reliefs. To the north, a floor-to-ceiling set of wooden shelves sagged with picks, shovels, brushes, lanterns, and other equipment one might expect to see at an archaeological site.

Tsuto was encountered here. He, a woman, and the quasit the heroes fought in the Catacombs of Wrath, had pushed the table up against the eastern door, making it difficult to push the door open. 

There was a secret door to the east. Tsuto opened it in his futile attempt to run for his life. The heroes rendered him unconscious.

The woman was in her early twenties, with dark skin and long hair braided tightly into cornrows. When she was forced into combat, she first cast mirror image, then focused most of her spells on Thurden, casting shatter on his magic longsword and ray of enfeeblement in a futile attempt to weigh him down. She then relied on her wand of magic missile in combat. When the heroes harmed Tsuto, her anger took over and she fought in a futile attempt to avenge him until the heroes rendered her unconscious .

The heroes are still fighting against the quasit.


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