Thistletop, part 3 (Thursday-Friday, Lamashan 11-12, 4707 AR)

The heroes accepted Shalelu's help and discussed tactics on their return to Sandpoint. There, they purchased discounted supplies from Savah's Armory, got free healing from Father Zantus at the Cathedral, and spent the rest of the evening at the Rusty Dragon. Ameiko informed Shalelu of the events that transpired during her absence, and she in turn informed her and the heroes that she ended up in Thistletop after following Tsuto and a couple of goblins as they were making their way there. Ameiko seemed very relieved to have Shalelu around, and expressed her grief at recent events by consuming copious amounts of alcohol. Shalelu on her part seemed very eager to face Bruthazmus when they returned to Thistletop. The heroes noticed that her fingers bore deep scars, and when asked if Bruthazmus gave her these scars, she responded that it was another bugbear, and avoided further conversation by hauling a very drunk Ameiko to her room. The next day they returned to Thistletop and continued their exploration.

Watchpost. This passage, closed off at either end by a thistle door, allowed goblins to keep an eye on the sea surrounding their main lair to the north. No one manned these posts.

Rope Bridge. A rope bridge spanned the gulf between the cliff and a roundish, flat-topped island sixty-some feet to the north. Thick patches of nettles and briars grew here and there atop the island, but its most impressive feature was a wooden one-story stockade. Two thirty-foot tall watchtowers guarded the stockade's southern facade. The rope bridge itself was made of hairy rope and thick wooden planks; the whole thing creaked and swayed in the wind above the churning surf eighty feet below.

This rope bridged seemed treacherous, and it was. The goblins had rigged it so that if more than a certain weight attempted to cross, the western supports tore free, dropping the planks down to hang vertically from the eastern rope and dumping anyone on the bridge into the waters below. A series of knotted ropes at the base of the northern ropes allowed one to tie off the trap so that it can support many times the weight.

Urtrigor attempted to do just that when they were attacked. Four goblins mounted on goblin dogs patrolled the grounds surrounding the stockade. The heroes killed off the goblins, but they still had to contend with their mounts. Additional goblin guards watched form the towers.

Two goblins were, in theory, on guard duty atop the western tower. When battle started, these two goblins panicked, hurled something out of the tower into the thistle patch to the west, and only then moved to support any fights down below with shot arrows. Both were shot dead by the heroes.

The goblins guarding the eastern guard tower weren't quite as irresponsible as in the other tower, but neither were they paragons of observation. When they heard battle they joined the fight. They were also shot dead by the heroes.


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