
Showing posts from November, 2019


Stirges are magical beasts. Magical beasts are similar to animals but can be more intelligent (in which case the magical beast knows at least one language, but can’t necessarily speak). Magical beasts usually have supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but are sometimes merely bizarre in appearance or habits. Magical beasts have darkvision. Magical beasts have low-light vision. Magical beasts breathe, eat, and sleep. Stirges are vicious, blood-drinking swamp pests that prey on wild animals, livestock, and unwary travelers. While weak individually, swarms of the creatures are capable of draining a man dry in minutes, leaving only a dessicated husk in their wake. A stirge drains blood if it is attached to a foe. Once the stirge has drunk enough blood, it detaches and flies off to digest the meal. If its victim dies before the stirge’s appetite has been sated, the stirge detaches and seeks a new target. When a stirge hits with a touch attack, its barbed...

In the Hook's Shadow, Part 1 (Tuesday-Wednesday, Neth (XI) 19th-20th, 4707 AR)

Turtleback Ferry, a remote village not far from Hook Mountain, has long born the brunt of the Kreeg ogre clan violence. Although closer to the city-state of Korvosa, it was Magnimar that answered the town's request for aid. Eager to extend their holdings and influence to the east, the lord-mayor of Magnimar established Fort Rannick to provide Turtleback Ferry with protection from the ogres, securing promises of regular taxes and trade. He stationed a band of rangers there - the Order of the Black Arrows - and charged them with keeping the region safe and free from ogres. Short but bloody skirmishes between the Kreegs and the Black Arrows have gone on for decades since then, but after their first decisive defeat at the entrance to the Valley of Broken Trees 45 years ago, the Kreegs have never quite built up enough bravery to mount a second attack on Fort Rannick...until now. A couple of months have passed since the events of the fateful Swallowtail Festival - winter was here, a...

Medusa Mask

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th Slot head; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. This intricate mask is made of gold-plated iron. Writhing snake tails radiate form a gemstone upon the brow, almost as if they were medusalike hair. The mask grants a +4 bonus on all saving throws against visual effects, including gaze attacks and sight-based illusions. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can cause the central gemstone to glow with pale green light, at which point she may target any one creature within 30 feet. The targeted creature must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or be petrified for 1 minute, as if by flesh to stone . Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone, resistance ; Cost 5,000 gp

Impaler of Thorns

Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th Slot none; Price 9,000 gp; Weight 9 lbs. The impaler of thorns is an ancient weapon dating back to Thassilonian times, when it was often used by city guards to aid in breaking up civil unrest. An impaler's shaft is made of darkwood, and its head is a thornlike, wide-bladed barb. When an impaler of thorns is used in combat, its successful critical hits are accompanied by an unsettling screech, as of some wild beast in anger. An impaler of thorns is a +1 longspear . Once per day as it strikes a foe, the wielder can cause it (as a free action) to unleash a 30-foot-radius burst of despair that affects all creatures not wielding an impaler of thorns . Creatures affected must succeed at DC 16 Will saves or become overwhelmed with sadness and despair, taking -2 penalties on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 6 minutes. The target struck when this effect is triggered must also succeed at a second D...

Shadows of Time, Part 4 (Tuesday, Neth (XI) 19, 4707 AR)

While searching the mound of debris in the southwest corner of the flesh golem's lair the heroes uncovered a moldy leather sack containing 125 gp, 309 sp, a tarnished silver ring worth 75 gp, and a silver mirror worth 50 gp. But the greatest treasure to be found in the Shadow Clock was under the angel. The heroes noticed a crumpled-up wad of parchment in the southwest corner of the room, Although unsigned, this was a missive filled with taunts intended to mock and frustrate the lamia matriarch, but that also served as an incredible source of information for the heroes. "My sister -  I trust your little band of murderers is doing well, gathering the greedy souls for our Lord's rise? Has Magnimar proven to be as sinful as you had hoped? It may interest you to know that my plan to nurture greed here in this backwater has blossomed - the quality of greed in a soul is so much more refined when given the proper care. Are you still simply carving the Sihedron on them as ...