
Showing posts from June, 2019

Attic Whisperers

Attic whisperers are undead. Undead are once-living creatures animated by spiritual or supernatural forces. They have darkvision. Undead have immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). They have immunity to bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Undead are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. They are immune to damage to their physical ability scores, as well as to exhaustion and fatigue effects. Unintelligent undead cannot heal damage on their own, although they can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. Unintelligent undead can still have the fast healing special quality. They have immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless). Undead are not at risk of death from massive damage, but are immediately destroyed whe...


The distinction between a trap and an undead creature blurs with haunts – a hazardous region created by unquiet spirits that react violently to the presence of the living. The exact conditions that cause a haunt to manifest vary from case to case – but haunts always arise from a source of terrific mental or physical anguish endured by living, tormented creatures. A single source of suffering can create multiple haunts, or multiple sources could consolidate into a single haunt. The relative power of the source has little bearing on the strength of the resulting haunt – it’s the magnitude of the suffering or despair that created the haunt that decides its power. Often, undead inhabit regions infested with haunts – it’s even possible for a person who dies to rise as a ghost (or other undead) and trigger the creation of numerous haunts. A haunt infuses a specific area, and often multiple haunted areas exist within a single structure. Although haunts function like traps, they are d...

Misgivings, Part 2 (Friday, Neth (XI) 2 4707 AR)

The heroes continued their exploration of Foxglove Manor. The grime and mold encrusting the windows filtered the sunlight to dim light within. There were dusty mounds of dead flies on some windowsills. Musicians' Gallery. This large room featured two padded chairs and a long couch facing a wide alcove lined with stained-glass windows. These windows depicted a diverse array of animals and plants - from north to south were a large pale and ghostly scorpion, a gaunt man holding out his hands as a dozen bats hung from him, a tangle of dull green plants with bell-shaped flowers, and a young maiden sitting astride a well in a forest while a spindly spider the size of a dog descends along a string of webbing above her. Bruthien and Tsela identified all five of the subjects in the windows as classic spell components for necromancy magic (scorpion venom, vampire's breath, the tongues of deathwing moths, belladonna, and the heart of a maiden slain by poison); Tsela recognized th...

Misgivings, Part 1 (Thursday-Friday, Neth (XI) 2, 4707 AR)

The next day saw the murder of Titus Scarnetti, a high-profile murder victim. It was also the day sheriff Hemlock was under orders to arrest Bruthien. The heroes had to engineer his escape from the Rusty Dragon while Ameiko delayed the sheriff, and Shalelu led him to a grove in the Whisperwood. The results of this murder were similar to those the heroes saw at the mill, including a new clue. The sheriff found a bloody, obviously clawed handprint on a wall. And he found a new note penned for Bruthien, a note with an invitation to "become one with the pack". The heroes all met up in Whisperwood with the intent of exploring Foxglove Manor. The Misgivings was the local name for Foxglove Manor, a region shunned by locals for years as a place of shadowy menace, bad luck, and haunts. No one traveled the road to the Misgivings today. Lord Foxglove made attempts to rebuild and reclaim the place, but found few willing to work in the region due to its ill history. The route...

Walking Scarecrows, Part 2 (Thursday, Neth (XI) 1, 4707 AR)

After the heroes defeated the barn ghouls, they wandered through Hambley farm looking for ghoul/scarecrows. Some ghouls ripped free of their frames and immediately attacked the heroes with a shriek. Worse, two poor souls who hadn't yet succumbed to ghoul fever also hung from frames. These two living people were Horran and Lettie Guffmin, dragged off from their farm last night and left bound, gagged, and masked as scarecrows. Both had ghoul fever; when rescued, they feebly warned the heroes about the ghouls that dwelt in the barn before begging to be returned to their families. The heroes took them to their farm, which was deserted, and then decided to take them back to Sandpoint for treatment.


Ghouls are undead that haunt graveyards and eat corpses. Legend holds that the first ghouls were either cannibalistic humans whose unnatural hunger dragged them back from death or humans who in life fed on the rotting remains of their kin and died (and were reborn) from the foul disease – the true source of these undead scavengers is unclear. Undead are once-living creatures animated by spiritual or supernatural forces. They have darkvision. Undead have immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). They have immunity to bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Undead are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. They are immune to damage to their physical ability scores, as well as to exhaustion and fatigue effects. They cannot heal damage on their own if they are unintelligent, although they can be healed. Negative energy (such as an infli...

Walking Scarecrows, Part 1 (Wednesday-Thursday, Lamashan (X) 31-Neth (XI) 1, 4707 AR)

The heroes returned to Sandpoint with Caizarlu, Erin Habe and Grayst Sevilla in tow. The first two were held for questioning, while Grayst was contained in the hopes that he could be cured. Although the swindlers and the millers were the first murder victims discovered, they were not the first to fall. This dubious honor fell instead to a family of farmers who lived relatively close to Foxglove Manor. In the days after their murder, local farmers began talking about walking scarecrows that came out of the fields at night to feed - nothing was seen, but plenty was heard. Screams in the dark, glimpses of people being chased through fields and out over the moors by...things. When neighbors visited farms in the morning, they found them empty. At first, the fiercely independent farmers though they could deal with the unseen menace themselves, but yesterday it became too much. A group of farmers armed with torches went to inspect the Hambley place, and only one survived. A day aft...