Glass and Wrath, Part 1 (Friday-Sunday, Rova 28th-30th, 4707 AR)
By the end of the week, the goblin attack was remembered mostly with chuckles. Now that the terror of the raid was over, images of goblins accidentally lighting themselves on fire, getting stepped on by horses, or drowning in half-full rain barrels colored memories of the raid in an almost comical light. While the sheriff was out of town, the heroes patrolled any possible areas that goblins might use to enter the town proper. Among them was Junker's Edge. Garbage gathered by Gorvi's boys is routinely dumped over the edge of this cliff to gather on the beach below. In any event, the sea generally makes short work of the junk, ensuring it never piles up too high. Unknown to most citizens of Sandpoint, another reason the garbage never grows too high is the fact that goblins from the Seven Tooth tribe regularly sneak along the coast to raid the beach for bits of metal, scraps of food, not-quite-broken tools, and other "valuable" prizes. The Shopkeep's Daughter ...